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Sex Education Film Festival

International Short Film Festival on and about sex education

Número de la edición5 - 2025

Del 20/05/2024 Al 31/08/2024

Anuncio de la selección: 30 Noviembre 2024

Terrassa, ESPAÑA

El festival no solicita cobro de cuota de inscripción El festival no solicita cobro de cuota de inscripción

The Sex Education Film Festival (SEFF) is a film festival that highlights the topic of sexual health and sex education. The festival presents a selection of documentaries and short films from around the world that deal with issues related to sexuality, such as sexual diversity, consent, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, gender identity, gender equality, healthy relationships, among others. The festival was created with the aim of promoting awareness and understanding about sexual health and sex education through film. The SEFF also organizes talks, debates and other activities to encourage reflection and dialogue on these issues. The festival is an important platform for filmmakers who wish to address issues related to sexuality and sexual health, and for the general public who want to learn and connect with others who share the same interests and concerns.

RULES AND SUBMISSIONS 2025 SEX EDUCATION FILM FESTIVAL from 10th to 16th February 2025 INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL 5th Edition of the SEX EDUCATION FILM FESTIVAL, an international short film festival on sexual education. The Sex Education Film Fes - Convocatoria Abierto

Gastos de inscripción Sin gastos de inscripción

5th Edition of the SEX EDUCATION FILM FESTIVAL, an international short film festival on sexual education.
The Sex Education Film Festival (SEFF) is the first international short film festival on sexual education and health. The festival presents a selection of documentaries and short films from around the world that address topics related to sexual diversity, consent, STI prevention, gender identity, gender equality, healthy relationships, among others.
The festival was created with the aim of promoting awareness and understanding of sexual education through cinema. SEFF also organizes talks, debates, and other parallel activities to encourage reflection and dialogue on these topics.
The festival is an important platform for filmmakers who wish to address issues related to sexuality and sexual health, and for the general public who want to learn and connect with others who share the same interests and concerns.
The Sex Education Film Festival is committed to education for all ages and has two well-differentiated sections: Teens and Adults.

Criterios de selección

Requisito válido
Fecha de producción (Mín.)


Requisito válido
Fecha de producción (Max.)


Requisito válido
Duración (Max)


Requisito válido
Técnica de animación

Raspado sobre película, Dibujo sobre película, Grabado, Marionetas, Animación dibujada a mano, Comida, Objetos, Computadora 2D, Computadora 2D 3D, Computadora 3D, Animación por celdas, Animación con recortes, Plegado de papel, Fotocopia, Fotografías, En imagen real, Pixelación, Arena, Esculturas, Volúmenes, Pintura, Plastilina, Celuloide

Requisito válido

Aventura, Biografía, Comedia, Comedia dramática, Comedia musical

Requisito válido

Animación, Grabación en vivo, Clip, Documental, Experimental

Requisito válido
Idioma de los diálogos

Afgano, Amárico

Subtítulos solicitados

Copia de visualización:

Si la película no está en Español subtitulado obligatorio en Español o al menos en Francés

Teens Aducation - Convocatoria Abierto

Gastos de inscripción Sin gastos de inscripción

Adults Aducation - Convocatoria Abierto

Gastos de inscripción Sin gastos de inscripción

Palmarés del festival


  • Jurado Categoría Teens - Toi Aussi Ça Te Chatouille?, de Lucía Valverde.
  • Jurado Categoría Adults - Carne, de Camila Kater


  • Jurado Categoría Teens - Dans la nature, de Marcel Barelli
  • Jurado Categoría Adults - Elsa, de Albert Carbó


  • Jurado Categoría Teens - Tula, de Bea de Silva
  • Jurado Categoría Adults - Camille et moi, de Marie Cogné

Associació Sex Education Film Festival Carrer Lepant 89 8203 Sabadell, España



