Festival Court Métrange
International fantastic unusual short films competition

Edition n°21 - 2025
From 1er to 05 October 2025
Selection announcement date 13 July 2025
Rennes, FRANCE
Court Métrange is an international festival dedicated to strange and fantasy short films. Its European dimension has been reinforced since its integration to the EFFFF (European Fantastic Film Festivals Federation) and its new award, the Silver Méliès.
The objective is to propose to the public and professionals, films in preview showings that testify to the diversity of current production.Court Métrange mainly proposes a competition of international short films submitted to a vote of the jury, the public, and school audiences.The festival's diverse programmes – based on a recent and diversified production – are all thematically identified to facilitate the public's choice. The audience can then choose according to its genre preferences or discover new ones (animation, fantasy, horror, bizarre, etc).The festival also proposes out of competition programmes made up of films that do not meet the selection criteria defined by the festival (length, production year) but whose artistic qualities held the selection committee's attention.
Through its success in drawing in a large public audience, its European notoriety and the attention from the media, Court Métrange pulls off its challenge every year to finally return the author status to the too often marginalized directors in the production of the 7th Art. Cinema is an artistic force that is expressed across many languages. Fantasy is one of them. Court Métrange has granted an earned spot to those who have chosen it. Lovers of this cinema genre, dreamers, inquirers…
Selection criteria
Production's date (Min)
Duration (Max)
Festival prize list
Festival Court Métrange 22 rue Saint Hélier 35000 Rennes, France